What to Do If You Find a Bat in Your House

What to Do If You Find a Bat in Your House

Discovering a bat in your house can be quite unsettling. Whether it flew in unexpectedly or snuck in through a small gap, dealing with a bat indoors isn’t something you should take lightly. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through what to do if you find a bat...
How Does Wildlife Get In Your Home?

How Does Wildlife Get In Your Home?

Georgia is home to a variety of beautiful creatures. But, sometimes those creatures like to invade our spaces, including our homes. In this blog post, we will discuss why these animals love our homes and the different ways these amazing creatures can take over our...
How Not to Get Sprayed By a Skunk

How Not to Get Sprayed By a Skunk

Have you seen a movie or tv show where someone gets sprayed by a skunk and they take a bath in tomato juice? Well, that scenario isn’t made up for just entertainment purposes. Skunks actually do spray animals or people and in this article, we will discuss warning...

Wildlife Technician Wanted In Duluth

Are you a wildlife technician? Do you want to be? Attic Kings is looking for a wildlife technician in Duluth, Georgia. We are looking for a skilled and experienced team member to join our team here at Attic Kings. This position needs to be filled ASAP. Attic Kings...